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These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Hourglass

Recently the image of an hourglass has been popping up in my brain frequently.  For me it is a visual of how life is moving...second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. This is how we experience life whether we are aware of it or not.  Before long, years pass and we are at the end of the journey. Tara Brach, a meditation teacher, often talks about reciting "...and this moment...and this moment" bringing your self to the presence of each moment that comes to us and really thinking about how what is important is really just the minute that is in front of us that we are experiencing.

I actually really like thinking of life like this as it is simply the way life unfolds. The hourglass reminds me to be here and be with what ever life is bringing in the moment.  The image makes it clear to me that  life changes. Whatever is going on be it beautiful, stressful, boring, exciting, hunger, pain, joy it will all pass and change.

In the present moment, you can't be regretful about the past. You cannot be worried about the future. You are just here.

If being present is not a regular practice for you, I recommend trying it.  Simply bring your focus to what is going on in front of you where ever you are... in front of your computer, at a meal, at a stop light, in a meeting or during a workout.

What are the sounds here? Where is my breath? What all am I observing? How does my body feel?

While I try to do this with as many minutes as I can during the day, I do love it during my workouts.  It takes away the fear. I don't focus "I can't do this" instead what does my body need to be doing here? How are my feet moving? How does that bar bell feel in my hands? Wow, my lungs and heart are working! I can feel it.  More often than not being present during a workout fills me with gratitude for a body capable of doing what it does, a community that I love and a connection with getting to be doing what I love and that is better to me than any time or PR.

Why this is important? Our lives pass us by one minute at a time. Being present as often as possible allows us to "be" better with the time, more connected with what is happening right in front of us and it allows us to be aware of all the things that are around us that remind us that we are alive.

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