Welcome to Joy and Fitness!

These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Some times patience is hard

I am not sure how many of you watch the Biggest Loser on TV. I am fascinated by the show.
This past week featured Michael, who started the show at 520+ lbs and has now lost over 2oo, upset because he is still leaving the show as an obese man at 320+ lbs. He sees how far he still has left in front of him and feels tired and disappointed. He questions if he has the strength and energy to continue or if it would just be better to throw in the towel now. He can't see or appreciate the hard work and progress he has made. All that is in his vision is the long path ahead of him.
I watched his struggle this week and I was crying. I could so sympathize with his pain and frustration.
This frustration comes up in all kinds of struggles in life. Any time you are making a large life changing move - it takes time and patience and in a instant gratification society that is not easy to cope with some times.
For me when I am feeling frustrated, I breathe. Lots and lots of deep breathing. I don't fight the frustration I welcome it. I sit with it and try to learn what it is telling me. I mentally walk through what actions that I am taking that are forwarding my journey. Am I doing the right things? Am I taking care of myself like I know I need to? If yes, then I know I am still on the right path and I need to continue to forward momentum. Marathons are run 1 step at a time. Weight is lost 1 lb at a time. Patience comes one breath at a time.

Enjoy the journey.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

What ever is worth having is worth fighting for.

I love when there are words or phrases that grab my attention and make me stop and think. When I find them I often stop and write them on my white board in my kitchen so I can ponder them further.

This week for me the phrase is "What ever is worth having is worth fighting for." Huh. Yeah, that makes total sense. How this fits for me today is my battle with food. Each year at New years, I vow that THIS year will be the year when I conquer my food demons and body issues. Only to find myself saying the same thing again on January 1 of the following year.

Recently I began seeing my therapist again to help me find some peace. I was tired of wasting precious life time and energy on this battle. After lots of patience and listening, she recommended that I see a nutritionist for additional support. A nutritionist? What on earth could she help me with? I clearly know all there is to know. Despite this huge chip on my shoulder, I went anyway...thankfully.

My nutritionist made me feel like I wasn't crazy, that there were some things I could be doing that would help me get back in control and have a healthy relationship with food and myself. Upon my request, she helped me set up a 3 week cleanse - no red meat, no wheat, no dairy, no peanuts, no oranges, no corn and no SUGAR!!! I needed to get the sugar out of my system. I needed to break that cycle.

I am now 2 weeks in and it has been much easier than I had thought. I love filling my body with healthy foods. I love being in control again of what I am eating. I love hearing the voice inside me expressing the need that I have that I would typically fill with food that I can now fill it with what I am really needing. Thankfully too the scale is starting to move down which it has not done in many months.

I want a healthy body. I want to stop wasting my time kicking the crap out of myself for being lazy and undisciplined. I want to then fill that time being joyful, appreciative and filled with love for myself and others. That for me is worth having and that is worth fighting for.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Coach Summit 2010

Last Thursday I flew to LA for the 2010 Team Beachbody Coach Summit. The weekend was more amazing than I could have imagined. I met an instant friend and now success partner the first morning I was there. I got to work out with the Beachbody trainers which was just amazing. Having just completed Insanity it was fun having Shaun T kick my butt in person! Every one there was so friendly and full of energy. The sessions were so chocked full of great, useful information.

The two big things I walked away with:
1) Beachbody! The more I learned about this company the more I loved it. I got to tour their offices and heard a great deal about the "Dude" culture that they work to create and the mission that keeps them moving forward. They are passionate about helping people lead better lives. They are energetic and driven yet relaxed and authentic. Everything about this company just resonates with me.
2) I can do this! I came into Summit feeling really hung up on this being a direct marketing company. I am no sales person so I was concerned about how successful I would be. What I found I needed to be successful is: to be my self and have a passion for making people's lives better. What?? I can TOTALLY to this. It made me realize that there is a reason I was attracted to this company and at this time in my life. I am so excited about the journey!