Welcome to Joy and Fitness!

These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Round 2 week 2

I am in such a different place than I was a week ago. Last week I was scared to be starting this journey. This week brought experience and perspective. I am loving lifting heavy. It makes me feel powerful and happy. I feel like even with one week my body is responding positively.

Some things I learned this week:
- Make the plan visible so that you can see if you are being consistent in your daily behaviors in order to hit your plan mile stones.
- Being 90% at clean eating brings results, being at 70% does not
- Be, Do , Have - Be the person you want to be, do the things that they do, then you will have the results that you want. For me, Be a lean, fit person.(For me this is visualization, picture that I am that person now - what does that look like? What do I need to be doing? as opposed to one day.. I would like to be a lean and fit person) Do the things that lean, fit people do (eat clean 90% of the time, workout hard and heavy, make choices ahead of time in challenging situations that will help you be successful in your goals) , then I will have the results that I am looking for.
- my hand strength limits what I want to be lifting. I just bough some versa straps and can't wait to give them a try!!

Learning lots and keeping on the path!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Round 2 day 1...feeling the fear

Last night I got my new food and workout plan from Jillian. Until I got the email I was feeling rather sleepy. As I looked over the plan, I felt restless and nervous. Wow. I have set this goal of 18% body fat for myself... get more ripped, build muscle. This plan is going to take me there. What I am feeling? Fear. Can I do this? Can I put my money where my mouth is? I have told so many people about my goal suppose I fail? Suppose it is too hard and I can't? I think these are things that we all feel when we are about to take the next big step. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

I was so nervous that I did not sleep well. Got up at 5:30 and was at the gym by 6:10.
I got through it! The first workout is complete. Heavy and Hard with a learning curve. I am excited to hit the point in a few weeks when I am comfortable with the workouts so that they flow better and I can push myself more. Now I am bumbling between equipment and guessing what the weight should be. I think with this plan I do wish I had a workout partner to help me go heavier. Either way, I will figure out a way to push and grow.

Still scared and yes I might fail short of my goal but I know at the same time if I don't try for this I will never know what I can be.

PS. I also remember one reason I prefer to workout at home... there was a fairly fit woman there who did what must have been 500 reps of single arm bicep curls with a 5lbs weight while talking to her manpanion. I was trying hard not to judge but damn... it was annoying. Just because I feel like the gym isn't social time and you have to push hard... doesn't mean every one else feels the same way. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

The first 12 weeks.....

Back in October I started an eating plan that I bought from Jillfit.com. Jillfit is a wonderful company that helps women prepare for fitness competitions... also just the rest of us who need to unload a bit (or a lot of fat). I was nervous but really wanted to try having a diet coach - I would have to send in pictures weekly and keep my coach, Jillian, informed of how things were going. I thought the extra accountability might help... it did.
The first 2 weeks were a bit of a struggle but also produced some astounding changes in my body. Inches were flying off. It was quite amazing.
My results and learning from the 12 week experiment:
Weight lost: 14lbs
Inches lost: 6.75 inches
Other lessons:
There are other spices other than salt!
There are healthy things that you can eat that actually do NOT help you with fat loss.
Cheat nights are awesome.
Jillian is awesome!
Alcohol is a poor decision maker and I should probably avoid it to make my goals.
Regardless of how much I think I have it under control, I will still stumble.
While I could have done better, I did make it through the holiday seasons and LOST weight!!

Round 2 starts on Monday!! The goal for this year is 18% body fat. Can't wait to post pics of some hot abs!!