Welcome to Joy and Fitness!

These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Check In and Start Again

This past month for me has been interesting. It turned out differently than I thought when I started on my little experiment to lean out joyfully.

Here are the new habits I worked on over the past month:

  • 15-30 minute slow paced, stress reducing walks daily
  • 1-4 Snatches and overhead squats daily starting at 65lbs and increasing weight each 1 or 2 weeks
  • Start taking CLA supplement (supposedly good for fat metabolism)

Here are the results of those actions:

  • I was successful in keeping daily walks which I just loved and connected with in ways that I didn't expect.  I used this time to connect with nature a bit more, breathe deep and be present and having some extra peaceful times with my husband when ever he joined me. 
  • I didn't end up snatching with weight every day. That plan changed rapidly when I realized my squat/overhead squat form was pretty poor.  I needed to take a step back.  I spent the month doing 5-10 squats daily as close to the wall as I can, really working on keeping my torso up right. It was hard. I also spent some time hanging out in the bottom of the squat - increasing my hip flexibility.  It all felt worth while when  demonstrating air squats today in class I could feel that I have gotten better.  My torso just stayed straight up!! I want to keep this up!
  • I did take CLA. I am not sure it has changed anything other than killing my appetite and making me feel sick to my stomach some times.  Not sure I am going to continue this but not sure 4 weeks is enough time to see if a supplement is working.

My measurements changed slightly but nothing worth giving the details on here.  That is almost beside the point for me. I got more out of this past month than what the numbers reflect.

The biggest gifts over the past month:

1) Finding the Perfect blog post from Zen Habits. I read it every day. I have made "I am already good enough. I am already have more than enough. I am already perfect" a mantra for myself that I turn to often. I'm focusing on doing things...anything really... because I love it and I am passionate about it, not because I have to be better. Its changing things and that is exciting.

2) I put an infrastructure in place for me to be successful in implementing the habits I wanted to work on over the past month. I set up my calendar so I knew daily and weekly what I wanted to do and had regular check ins scheduled for myself. That proved to be HUGE in keeping me on track.  I often start experiments and new habits only to have them peter out after a few days or a week.  I will definitely continue to this!! Love it.

Spending time in the next few days figuring out what I want to focus on next. Pretty pumped about it all!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Latest Experiment - Update week 4

Week 4 updates of my leaning out joyfully (possible, right?)

Four weeks ago,  I wrote about a plan I had put together to lean up a bit for an upcoming photo shoot and some other events happening later on this year.  In that I had promised weekly check-ins, more for my accountability than your interest but here it is anyway.

Thoughts for this week:

I have been in a battle with myself this week.  The photo shoot is getting closer and I waiver between leaning out joyfully and trying to convince myself to log all my food, track my macro ratios and start taking fat burners to get to this photo shoot as lean as I can possibly get.  The struggle between wanting a super lean beautiful body and feeling the unhappiness of it to dedicate all my time and energies getting to that place. At the end of the day washboard abs, although beautiful, are not what is meaningful to me. What really makes me happy is connecting with joy through doing things that I love: good, open conversations with people, lifting heavy weights, helping people connect with health and happiness, being a cheerleader and a source of positive encouragement for others, make sure those closest to me feel loved and taken care of, being present in what ever I am doing and working to accept that I am enough exactly as I am. 

Its funny that I feel like I have to explain that even though I am not chasing 13% body fat, I am not slacking off. I am still healthy and want to be.  Just because I am not counting calories or know what my macro ratios are on a given day doesn't mean that I am busy stuffing junk down my gullet or that I have given up.  

I have been reading this Zen Habits blog post every day so far in the month of May and spending time internally processing it:  http://zenhabits.net/perfect/   Take time to read that post. Its amazing and powerful beyond measure. 

There is a paragraph in there that makes my heart sing: 

"You are now free to do things, not because you want to be better, but because you love it. Because you're passionate about it, and it give you joy. Because it's a miracle that you even can do it"

THAT is how I want to be spending my time on things that I am passionate about and because I love it.

I love filling my body with healthy food, I don't love obsessing over calories
I love lifting heavy and going to my crossfit classes, I don't love stressing if I should be doing more to be leaner
I love being present in the moment, I don't love beating the crap out of myself for not being leaner or where I "should" be.

Also from the Zen Habits post:  "A powerful realization that has helped me is simply this: You're already good enough, you already have more than enough, and you're already perfect"

Breathe and take that thought in.  :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Latest Experiment - Update week 3

Week 3 updates of my leaning out joyfully (possible, right?)

Three weeks ago,  I wrote about a plan I had put together to lean up a bit for an upcoming photo shoot and some other events happening later on this year.  In that I had promised weekly check-ins, more for my accountability than your interest but here it is anyway.

Thoughts for this week:

  • Measurements and scale were down a bit - although waist measurements stayed about the same, which bummed me a bit. Oh well. They were down in other spots.
  • These updates have been harder to post than I thought. I am putting myself out there and feel like people might think I am silly for not just bucking up and being as tight and disciplined for the next 8 weeks as I can be just to get it done.  My favorite strength coach Dan John has said "fat loss is a war" where I as I am trying to make it a joyful journey. Maybe I am delusional. Even if I am delusional, I know I am not  keeping so tight reign on myself that I break and binge.  Feeling good about what I am doing daily is really where I want to be. I guess I am realizing that for me finding balance feels more important to me than being leaner. I am taking the slow winding path to fat loss and not the war path. 

I think that is all for this week.... will provide at least one more weekly update next week.

Peace out!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Latest Experiment - Update week 2

Week 2 updates of my leaning out joyfully (possible, right?)

Two weeks ago,  I wrote about a plan I had put together to lean up a bit for an upcoming photo shoot and some other events happening later on this year.  In that I had promised weekly check-ins, more for my accountability than your interest but here it is anyway.

I have been consistent with my walks and logging daily thoughts in my "food, mood and gratitude" journal.  I need to check back over the past few months since I have been logging that to see if there are things I notice or if there are trends to my energy.  I recently added the "gratitude" part of those journal entries and I love it.

I have been working daily on my overhead and front squat form. Doing this through reading about squats from various sources and practicing daily with the PVC pipe...facing a wall.  Some times just a few reps, some times set to a tabata timer.  Its good work. It is not with weights but I know it is good foundational work that will bring strength and growth eventually.  Below is a picture from Greg  Everett's book Olympic Weighlifiting. I hope to squat like this some day. Beautiful.

My food has been ok. There are times where I feel like I should be pushing more, tracking every calorie and depriving more but that doesn't align with my goal of doing this with balance and joy. Running down the crazy train track of depravation will cause me to crack, break and binge. I know. I have been there.

I started this week on a deliberate strength training plan to supplement my Crossfit workouts.  Happy to be under way with that.  Also this month I am giving myself a little space. I am taking a break from training clients one on one to focus on coaching on Crossfit and spend some time on some other projects.

Measurements won't be done again until Monday so I am looking forward to seeing the results. Will report in next week's blog update.

Have a great week!!
