Welcome to Joy and Fitness!

These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The 10000 challenge - week 2 complete

I am on the second week of the 10000 challenge.
I have to say I am having a ton of fun with this challenge.
I have become obsessed with my pedometer! I love tracking how many steps I am taking each day. Last week I averaged 14k steps per day! I remember when I got the pedometer for a contest in my corporate america days. One day during that challenge, I only got 2500 steps. That is barely moving!!
I am enjoy the thinking about the various focus areas and how I can get credit in each of them either each day or at least 1x through out the week. If you might remember from the last blog post the areas of focus are:
Steps, Resistance Training, Mobility, Education/Enrichment, Cooking, Food Tracking, Charity, Progress on goals, Outside world, Fear Depletion

Some are pretty easy for me - steps, resistance training, mobility and happily enough Education and Enrichment. I love that I work to get 1 hour a day either reading about or listening to podcasts on fitness and nutrition. It will make me a better me and a better trainer. From an earlier blog where I was complaining about how much I need to learn in this area, it is driving me to learn learn learn all I can!
I had several days last week where I got my 1 hour outside time. That made me pretty happy. However with high humidity and 98 degrees today... not sure how much I will get this week. :)
As I have been looking for opportunities for charity, they have been presenting them selves to me. It has been fun donating time and/or money to unexpected people and places!

Some other areas are harder for me. I don't like tracking food. I can make me feel anxious. Of course if I did do it and explored why I am anxious about it then I would be able to get points in tracking food and fear depletion! :) I commit to doing that before the end of the challenge. I need to think more about the fear depletion area as well and see how I can work more here. I know there is stuff that scares me and that I avoid...even if I can't name it at the moment. I want to push more into this space...it will bring growth and I love that.

Two weeks in... I can honestly say I love the challenge and the focus that it brings and that it is making my life even better!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

10000 Challenge

This past week I started a new challenge. It is from Leigh Peele who is one of my favorite people to get nutrition information from. Here is the link for the challenge specific information. http://www.10000challenge.com/

I am pretty excited about this challenge because it is not set up around fat loss - although you can certainly structure it that way if you would like. It has several different facets to it - activity, self improvement, progress on goals, cooking, mobility training, resistance training, conquering fear, being outside...so many good things.

Here are my goals:
Steps - Pedometer. I move alot during the day but interested to see what an average day is for me.

Resistance Training - This will be 4 to 5 times a week for me. I don't miss workouts very much at all so this will be no problem.

Mobility/Stretching - I need to be more consistent here and I would love to do this with my hubby so excited about this piece. Starting with basic plan and will build from there.

Education/Enrichment - I am a fairly new personal trainer (under 1 year in the field). I do all I can to read blogs, articles, books or listen to podcasts daily. Will also see if there are other subjects that I would like to read about to expand my knowledge.

Cooking - Have slacked off on cooking recently so will like the added focus. Should be able to hit this 5 to 6 times in a week.

Food Tracking - This drives me crazy. I tend to go alittle batty/obsessive when I start tracking numbers/food. Still I will do my best here. I might do it some off and some on.

Charity - Interested in finding all kinds of different outlets for this.

Progress - From my current goals:
1) Daily mediation practice - 10 min/day
2) 7 full pull ups with light band or 4 with out band
3) finish 21 day kettlebell challenge
4) 142/19% body fat.
5) Schedule a community fitness event

Outside World - I do usually get outside but will be conscious of increasing time out.

Fear Depletion - I am scared of food at the moment...or rather my lack of control around it. Trying something today to explore the control. Scheduling some community fitness events (what if no one shows!!) There are some clear things here I can do and will look for more opportunities to step up when I am feeling fear.

I have been having a great time this week seeing how I can step in to this challenge. Opportunities have been opening up all over the place for me and I LOVE IT!
First official check in is tomorrow!!

Challenge yourself!!!

Eating Gluten Free

Last week, I wrote about how I discovered my gluten intolerance. This week I wanted to talk about learning to eat gluten free. There is definitely a learning curve, like any lifestyle change.

The first month I ran out and got every thing gluten free that I could get my hands on bagels, rolls, pretzels, cereal, crackers, cookies, etc. I had that thinking of "if its gluten-free then its good for me." Not the case. As a matter of fact, some of the gluten free food is actually less nutrient dense than regular food as the manufacturers don't enrich everything with added vitamins like they do with regular food. Also just because it is gluten free doesn't mean you can eat MORE of it!

So the first month after being gluten free I still felt like crap.

In October I signed up with Jillfit.com for my first fat loss plan. No gluten there. Protein, veggies and healthy carbs. It took me a few weeks to find my stride with the plan but once I got it I FELT GREAT!! Clean healthy food. No processed food. I was thankful to Jillfit for helping really get into the groove with gluten free eating. I do eat the processed gluten free food some times on treat meals (gluten free pizza) or special occasions (gluten free cupcakes/cookies). I am happy to have my diet shifted from processed food and carbs to fresher whole foods. In learning to eat this way, I feel so much more stable, have more energy and less food binges. Plus I feel healthier and I am about 20lbs lighter.

It drives me crazy to hear about people going gluten free to lose weight and then they stock up on all the processed crap that they normally eat but its gluten free. That doesn't help any one. There is nothing magical about pretzels, chips, bread, cake and pizza that is gluten free. It has just as many calories, if not more than the regular version.

Any one could benefit from eating more whole foods. Foods with 5 or less ingredients.
Negotiating all of this does take time to learn and get used to. Find a dietitian or diet coach who can help you. Find support while you are making this change. There is no reason to feel frustrated and on your own. Many people have made the switch to a gluten free lifestyle and are usually happy to share information and help you along the way.

I am one of those people. Please let me know if you want any more information.

Monday, May 2, 2011

In honor of Celiac Awareness Month

May is Celiac Awareness Month. In honor of this awareness month, I thought I would share my story about gluten. I do not have Celiac's Disease...at least I don't think that I do. I am gluten intolerant. Here is how I figured that out.

It all started at the beginning of 2010. I decided for once and for all I would figure out my depression and fatigue issues. For years I had been struggling with depression with out any real cause to point to. I had been depressed previously but had clear life situations that I could point to and say.. yep.. that is making you REALLY unhappy. However, I did not have any of that going on. I had a great job, great relationships, no money concerns and no chronic health problems (that I knew of!). It really bothered me to wake up sad and unmotivated. I also struggled with what I referred to as mind bending fatigue. Tired when I first got up, regardless of how much sleep I had. Needing a nap in the day. Tired all the time.

First, I started with a therapist. I am a big supporter of therapy..for every one. We all have issues to work through and need a trusted person to help us see what we cannot or examine the things we would rather avoid. After several sessions, I realized I just did not have that much to talk about. No huge things in my life that I was not dealing with.

Next, I went to a nutritionist. I got off all my pills - anti-depressants and birth control - not my thyroid pills of course. I wanted to clean out my system and start from scratch. I tried several different approaches with nutrition including a several week cleanse of all things gluten, dairy, corn and other foods associated with inflammation. I didn't really feel that much better.

Next, off to an endocrinologist. I wanted to see if he could take a closer look at my hypothyroidism in a way that my family physician could not. He ran some blood tests. Thyroid levels were "ideal" and the only thing that seemed a little off was my liver enzymes. He wanted to run more tests. I asked him this time to please run a test for celiacs disease. The gold standard for celiacs testing is a biopsy of your small intestine. However, there are blood tests that will give good indications of the condition. Thankfully he was open to running that test. I came back off the charts in all of the immunoglobulin tests that you run for celiacs. I found out ON my 38th birthday. I still had birthday cake that day as I figured one more meal wouldn't do that much more damage.

While the doctor refers to it as having celiacs disease, I am not sure that I really agree with that as I have no gastro-intestinal reactions to gluten. In doing more reading and talking to people I think I fall into the gluten intolerant group. Gluten intolerance/sensitivity shows up in many different ways. For me, it makes me depressed and tired. Many people when they give up gluten have immediate positive reactions. My mom experienced a pretty radical transformation in giving up gluten. I describe my change as a slow gradual ascent. The depression is gone. The fatigue is better but still present and still harsh at times.

I do feel really bad when I do eat gluten. I had some frosted sugar cookies over Christmas. The next day I could hardly get out of bed and was overly emotional.

I wanted to share my story in case it helps any one else get diagnosed.
I will perhaps share later on about how it is to live gluten free.
Let me know if you have any questions!