Welcome to Joy and Fitness!

These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Monday, May 9, 2011

10000 Challenge

This past week I started a new challenge. It is from Leigh Peele who is one of my favorite people to get nutrition information from. Here is the link for the challenge specific information. http://www.10000challenge.com/

I am pretty excited about this challenge because it is not set up around fat loss - although you can certainly structure it that way if you would like. It has several different facets to it - activity, self improvement, progress on goals, cooking, mobility training, resistance training, conquering fear, being outside...so many good things.

Here are my goals:
Steps - Pedometer. I move alot during the day but interested to see what an average day is for me.

Resistance Training - This will be 4 to 5 times a week for me. I don't miss workouts very much at all so this will be no problem.

Mobility/Stretching - I need to be more consistent here and I would love to do this with my hubby so excited about this piece. Starting with basic plan and will build from there.

Education/Enrichment - I am a fairly new personal trainer (under 1 year in the field). I do all I can to read blogs, articles, books or listen to podcasts daily. Will also see if there are other subjects that I would like to read about to expand my knowledge.

Cooking - Have slacked off on cooking recently so will like the added focus. Should be able to hit this 5 to 6 times in a week.

Food Tracking - This drives me crazy. I tend to go alittle batty/obsessive when I start tracking numbers/food. Still I will do my best here. I might do it some off and some on.

Charity - Interested in finding all kinds of different outlets for this.

Progress - From my current goals:
1) Daily mediation practice - 10 min/day
2) 7 full pull ups with light band or 4 with out band
3) finish 21 day kettlebell challenge
4) 142/19% body fat.
5) Schedule a community fitness event

Outside World - I do usually get outside but will be conscious of increasing time out.

Fear Depletion - I am scared of food at the moment...or rather my lack of control around it. Trying something today to explore the control. Scheduling some community fitness events (what if no one shows!!) There are some clear things here I can do and will look for more opportunities to step up when I am feeling fear.

I have been having a great time this week seeing how I can step in to this challenge. Opportunities have been opening up all over the place for me and I LOVE IT!
First official check in is tomorrow!!

Challenge yourself!!!

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