Welcome to Joy and Fitness!

These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Interesting Place

A few weeks ago I hurt my back while working out.  (Don't blame Crossfit. It happens.)  These weeks have really been an interesting journey.  Emotionally I have been all over - in disbelief that it happened, sadness at feeling like I may be losing the muscle and strength I have gained over the past few years, desperation in dealing with the moment to moment chronic pain and relief at getting a chance to step back and rest.

Lessons I have learned while injured:

1. It is REALLY easy to get used to not working out. You all know I am a workout freak. I love Crossfitting and was doing it 5 days a week.  Now I am back to having it scheduled on my calendar and thinking "well I could work out now or I could go and do X,Y and Z". I now have a little more sympathy for those who fall off the wagon or have never started working out at all.

2. There is no "there" to get to.  I believe good work outs consist of lifting heavy things and sprinting. Neither of which I can do right now. It started me in a bit of a panic. Who am I with out that? How the hell do I work out any other way?  Breathe. Its going to be ok. A few months of not doing that is not going to suddenly make me an obese couch potato.  I am working on shifting my perspective to joyfully explore what my body can and can't do now and discover new ways of working out.

3. Maybe 5 days a week of Crossfit is too much for me. This injury has also helped me refocus on dealing with my fatigue.  It is something I have been trying to trouble shoot for years.  Ideally I am hoping it can be solved through good nutrition, proper sleep and stress management.  I met recently with a paleo nutritionist to see if there was anything else I could be doing in regards to heal possible adrenal burn out.  Her first recommendation is not to Crossfit 5 days a week. Ugh. What? Of course at the moment I am doing 0 days a week. Part of my plan going forward is 3 days a week and long walks on the other days.  THAT is going to be a big adjustment.

4. Focusing eating on nourishing my body is so much more fun than thinking about fat loss. I have been using this time to maximize on my nutrition. I am making an effort to try and give my body all the nutrients that it needs to heal the best it can. That has felt so good having my eating just focused on just nourishing my body... which of course does my brain pretty good as well.  Meal times feel more relaxed and oddly my cravings for wine and sugar have really dropped off.  huh.

What have your injury or down times taught you?

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to agree that 5 days of CrossFit would contribute to fatigue and your injury. I know somewhat how you feel. Before starting my current workout routine, I was at it 5 days a week, 2 times a day! Doing different things in the morning and evenings of course. And it seems like a lot but when you could see the results of all that working out and then the almost immediate turnaround when you don't work out, it becomes...dare i say it, an addiction! Therein laid the danger. Now I'm at a 4 days a week routine that kicks my ass well enough for me to NOT want to work out in the evenings, but I will say this long weekend made me feel "fat" and i couldn't wait to get back to the gym this week. So rest up, Supergirl, and remember: It's okay to put the "Girl" before the "Super."
