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These are two things that I need to have in my life. Some times I am great with it but other times I struggle. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Show Up - Crossfit Open Games 2012

There is a quote I ran across this week that I can't stop thinking about:

"I don't care if you win, but I don't care if you come in last either. I only care that you don't make excuses...and that you suffer with me."

It was from a post from Crossfit Lisbeth talking about showing up for the Crossfit Open.

For those of you not familiar with it, Crossfit holds games each year to decide who is the fittest athlete (male and female). The coolest part (at least to me) is that to start EVERY one who wants to can participate and we are talking on a global scale. The first 6 weeks of the games are called The Open. All you have to do is pay your $20 to register and then complete the workout of the week and post your scores to see how you rank against all the other people competing.  This year 55,000 people world-wide have chose to participate.

I think it is beautiful and amazing. Yes, there are some astounding world class athletes with fitness levels that I cannot even wrap my head around that are participating. These are the ones that will make it to the regional rounds and then maybe to the Finals in LA. However, I am sure many are people like me. People who show up at their Crossfit box or their garage regularly working on getting better and stronger.  People who will try their best at a work out even if they cannot do the work out as it is prescribed.  People who love to be a part of the community that comes with Crossfit.  In the end, it doesn't matter if you are the fire-breather or the average Joe/Jane. We all get to show up, support each other, compete in a activity that we love - suffer together and grow from the experience of the 2012 Crossfit Open Games.

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